Bethany is the lead singer to Fruit Machine ready to ninja her way into your ears. Flo is a down to earth friend of Bethany with a extraordinary job cutting corpses. Though this is just my random interview, to learn how interesting and cool these two people are, you can catch them out in the scene making it happen.What was the best use for caffeine for you?Bethany: Dr. Pepper popsicle in the morning... after a long night.
Flo: Sparks.
What super power would you have if you were granted one?Bethany: The ability to light things with my finger, or cigarettes... or your fire.
Flo: To forget all the bullsh$% I put up with.
Any upcoming events in Jacksonville you’re really looking forward to?Bethany: My band has a show Friday.. I'm looking forward to that. But I'm sure I'll see something in the Folio and be like f#$k yeah.
(Show was last Friday, here are the jaxscene pictures: Yeah... Friday.
Fruit Machine,
After the Bomb Baby...
(At this point she mentioned Black Tusk playing in jax, as well as the shows at Shantytown June 20th. But I forgot to write down lol)You can rig the election, who do you want president that lives in Jacksonville?Bethany: Uh... Greg Mason.
Flo: Greg Mason.
You tried ______, and absolutely hated it.Bethany: Jägermeister. I hate black licorice.
Flo: Having a normal job.
Ninja, Pirate, or Zombie?Bethany: Ninja.
Flo: Pirate.
Name two people you would camp on top of Treaty Oak with.Bethany: Alton Brown and Alton Brown.
Flo: Jason jewels and Sean Madgett.
Oh yeah? The second person you named fell from a limb, now how do you feel?Bethany: Hungry, because he'd be cooking.
Flo: It was bound to happen.
Are you much of a techie? Why?Bethany: Nope. Um... I'm just not.
Flo: None. S#$t's stupid.
Just for Flo: Identify yourself as a character from The Wizard of Oz.Flo: The Lion guy.
Just for Bethany: Have you experienced a series of events unrelated from each other that affected you as one coincidence combination?Bethany: What? Well everything's connected, everything comes in threes.
You can add and listen to Fruit Machine's MySpace at Catch their next show June 10 at 8:00PM at The Pit. $10 at the door. Thanks Bill from Iamhappenstance for flo's picture.