It's been three years and nearly to the day that JaxScene was started by Tom P. Lots of posts for the love of the show coolest things happening in the city and making it better. No matter what JaxScene is to become from here on out, it will never lose the original idea.
This is a growing city and there's twice as many art shows and other event since JaxScene first started; I certainly hope we did our part in letting people know where everything is and showing what happen during the events.
It's been a lesson in the use of cameras, event planning, website design, and scene networking. There's a lot to look forward to. There's more to do and see. There will be more contributors and the possibility of Tom P. coming back.
I've been in contact with column writers, photographers, and people; already covering the scene. They now have a outlet. I plan to have a JaxScene very accessible to anyone who wants to contribute with only a few guidelines. If you're interested yourself, don't hesitate to email me at
I don't want people to think that jaxscene is about a elite few, myself, or just wanting to cover the rare, crunchy, or what is only considered to be cool by a certain group. If something inspiring is happening at a library, I'd like to know. If something different is happening at a venue that typically wouldn't host such an event, that would be great too. I also wouldn't mind seeing more events in support of a cause. Don't worry though, I still like to see the party pics.
The relaunch is no doubt going to be slow at start. I myself still have to barrow cameras to use and still have to rile the new contributors. The reoccurring posts of
things to do is still under construction. I want to have more use of technology when it comes to how I do the
things to do posts.
Nonetheless, I am inspired by the
poll numbers.
For right now, I'm just happy with the new design. There will be slight changes for aesthetic effect and the restoration of links to our family blogs on the right.
OooooOOOoooooOOOOoooo the cooooloooouurrrsss.....