Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2416, Staring Daggers, Spring Tigers, and Shapiro at Warehouse 8B


Orin on November 11, 2009 at 2:15 PM said...

Hey guys, your version of this flyer is screwed up. Assuming this is an accident (because you guys have a history of outstanding quality), you can find the correct version of the flyer here:

jaxscene on November 11, 2009 at 2:53 PM said...

this was totally intentional. i like to think of myself as a nice person but i'm not going to support someone that talks crap about me for kicks.

-tom p.

Orin on November 11, 2009 at 3:06 PM said...


You might want to explain that down below the flyer so everyone's aware of the fact that you've edited it based on your personal feelings. By changing the lineup with no explanation, you're misrepresenting the folks at 8B and dragging them into your drama.

I'm not a member of the band in question but I'm inclined to wonder whether it's accurate of you to say that they've "talked crap about you for kicks." Would you mind explaining what you mean?

jaxscene on November 11, 2009 at 3:25 PM said...

just cause you write things under different names on whacksonville doesn't mean your different people when you decide to use your real names.

like i said before jaxscene doesn't have to provide a service to anyone. just a few friends posting what we want. the guys at 8b will be fine.

Orin on November 11, 2009 at 4:02 PM said...


I'm not satisfied that you have any idea what you're talking about. If your assertion is that the same people who write Whacksonville play in After the Bomb, Baby!, you're really confused. Let me help:

ATBB! has 7 members. The last time I counted, Whacksonville had roughly 15 contributors. The overlap in the number of ongoing Whacksonville contributors who play in ATBB is: 2.

The majority of the musicians in ATBB! have nothing to do Whacksonville. This is a fact. You were willing to take time out of your day to chop up a flyer based on a completely false assumption. This isn't even the first, second, or third false assumption you've made concerning Whacksonville. Are you cool with that?

You may not say you're providing Jacksonville a service but it's depressing to think that you don't care about the quality of your output.

jaxscene on November 11, 2009 at 4:16 PM said...

i can say this, you bought the domain(i know this) so you might still own the domain for whacksonville and possibly be the one that runs it. i would think you have some say so as to what goes on the blog. you say some people that post on there are in after the bomb baby. you think if anyone cared like you or them they would tell the people in the band to to chill out. you don't care, they don't care, so i don't care. i would hope you spent more time worrying about what goes on your blog instead of ours. i'm not a bad person i just try to push drama out of my life.

Braze-on Dropout on November 11, 2009 at 4:29 PM said...

No one "runs" Whacksonville, nor does any author have editorial control over any other author. We function as a non-hierarchical consensus building conglomerate. I picked on you, Tom, because you were asking for it. Nothing personal, just business. When I am asking for it, please hold my feet to the fire as well. We'll both have better blogs that way.

For the record, I am way before the bomb, baby.

Orin on November 11, 2009 at 4:30 PM said...


That doesn't make any sense. You obviously care a lot more than anyone else, which is why you take the website so personally on a regular basis. You often complain that we pick on you but you fail to understand that many of these things are written in the COMMENT FIELD by people who aren't affiliated with the website. There's a difference between COMMENTERS and AUTHORS, Tom. As a guy with a website, you should know this.

Your history of whiny and ill-informed Whacksonville comments shows me that you'd rather complain and act victimized than step away and take it in stride. We're all adults, yet you take your grudges to the next level. Why so sensitive?

Long story short: It seems to me like you're the one perpetuating drama, not avoiding it.

David W. on November 11, 2009 at 5:23 PM said...

Commentators (who you moderate) or not, you guys, all of you, get off on hating. If that weren't true, there would be no alternate names to hide behind.

I really got to point out; as soon as it turns on whacksonville they are all up in arms. Orin actually asked why so sensitive? Why the hell DO YOU care what we post here? If you love to troll don't whine when it comes back. How dare jaxscene, how dare tom. Please save it.

Orin on November 11, 2009 at 5:50 PM said...

Not true, David.

You guys vacillate between accusing us of hiding behind anonymity and accusing us of using the blog to promote our interests and bump up our social status. Pick one--it can't be both, dudes.

I can't speak for anyone else but I "hide behind" a different name on WV because I am a working writer who understands the impact that Google can have on the hiring process. I am not ashamed of anything I write, but I would rather use a pseudonym than lose money. In a perfect world, "fun writing" and "work writing" would be the same thing and I could afford for my name to be associated with dirty sex cartoons and pictures of dicks.

Does this clarify anything? You guys have a really simplistic, underinformed view of what we do and I'd love to help save you from yourselves via internet comments.

David W. on November 11, 2009 at 6:24 PM said...

The idea is that we owe no one, anything. We can post wrong, and not post at all. We like the scenes and movements people dare to create. Suddenly after 2 years of our blog progress people are commenting like you are now, lumped with the "i didn't like this article" as if we owe them something. It blows my mind that you expect a service after all.

You are not the whole blog of whacksonville, I know that. But it's true that you should know what your paying for. Calling the good things whack and ripping on people caught drunk in a photo. Some of your contributors came damn close to online slander. If you want to call out things in Jax for being whack, you better tell us how to fix it.

If you know Tom and talk with him he's always interested in what others have to say and isn't dramatic. He's pretty selfless and doesn't push his plight on anyone. He posted the downtown issue while upset but mainly wanted to shed the light on a problem. To say that's whining isn't promoting anything but a point of view, and I'll use words you love, a under informed point of view.

I am glad he's sticking up for himself and also when he did for his fiance.

By the way, if anyone would want to hire you they will look at things like domain names registered. My turn to internet comment save you.

Orin on November 11, 2009 at 7:03 PM said...

David, if you know of a way to search domain name registrants by their full name, I'd be eager for you to pass that info along.

Otherwise: You guys claim to be a public service whenever it suits you. When your quality suffers and people criticise it, Jaxscene pulls the "we're not doing this for you, fuck what you think!" card.

Do you really compile event calendars and cover local shows for your own amusement? If Jacksonville turns to you to provide them with information about what's happening (and you guys are the most comprehensive online source I know of), don't you owe it to your community to do a good job?

David W. on November 11, 2009 at 7:54 PM said...

Things to do isn't hurting. I don't think anything is really. No it's pretty much a blog. And it's not like we don't know those commentators are with whacksonville; Similar writing, over used words. No one is claiming anything here. We just want to help. Everyone else is the cogs in the scene machine, we just want you to know who they are. Show case show case. Phase 2 is getting other cities to look us up when we embrace them. Let me know if someone is claiming something there not. I could be a contributor on yer site to call em out aye.

Orin on November 11, 2009 at 8:25 PM said...

David, it's ridiculous to assume that anyone who criticizes your website is associated with us.

Lumping everyone who rubs you the wrong way into the "whacksonville category" isn't particularly smart because you're going to be wrong 99% of the time. That's what it's taken me 10,000 comments to try and explain to you. Durr.

Also: I never said that your events calendar was hurting anything. That's your poor reading comprehension at work again, buddy. I actually said the opposite--that it's the most useful and thorough list available online.

It's easy to see why you guys get so mad at us--YOU'RE NOT ACTUALLY READING IT. It seems like ya'll scan over our articles, pick out things you think might offend you, and form retarded opinions.

Getting mad at Whacksonville because you're offended by what one of our contributors writes is like getting mad at Abel Harding because you hate reading Laura Capitano. It makes no sense.

I'm done. Dealing with you people is like trying to have a conversation with a dog. If ya'll ever see me in public and want to have a friendly chat, I'm down. I don't know any of you personally but I hope to hell you guys are less dense in real life.

PS: Please show me where Whacksonville said anything inappropriate about Tom's girlfriend. I'd like to see it.

jaxscene on November 11, 2009 at 8:35 PM said...

no one runs whacksonville, bullshit, obviously someone makes decisions, someone decides who gets a password. so your business is to write a story that is not even true about something you don't even know anything about, nice business. practicing for the enquirer, good luck with that.

orin, saying you have a fake name so you don't lose your job can also be looked at as a way to talk shit about someone without being confronted about it. we control our comments on jaxscene, which might be looked at as weak but we don't let people talk crap about something that is not true or let someone talk about bending their girlfriend over a table when they don't even know them. how is that productive writing. that is something you created, of course i'm a little upset it's like there is a i hate tom p fan club over there and your talking about my family and none of you care enough to stop it. those aren't any friends of mine. honestly i don't know what i did to any of you, well i do now.

the after the bomb baby thing is a simple as getting something out of my life that is not positive. i'm sorry if after the bomb baby is in the middle of this. this wouldn't be a problem if you didn't all have fake names. i hear orin and the strasser's brother run whacksonville. i don't put things on jaxscene for the sake of it. why am i going to spend hours editing video or promoting your band when you guys talk fake shit about me. if i'm wrong about after the bomb baby prove me wrong. but as far as i'm concern, if any of them are part of whacksonville i'm happy with my decision. some of the shit you let people say is strait up false and your being assholes to someone you know nothing about, bullies hiding behind a fake screen name.

David W. on November 11, 2009 at 8:40 PM said...

Well, see you at the show. You don't have to worry about me talking to you. I am supposedly too stupid and have no frame of reference. I wouldn't want to take something you said the wrong way.
But it's not no biggie (lingo). We aren't hurting (lingo). Keeping hating the good stuff, and thanks for stopping in. I appreciate the hits on the counter. Need to go love someone.

BIGDUNN on November 12, 2009 at 2:46 PM said...

you guys should go outside....

actionville on November 14, 2009 at 1:36 PM said...

I think its hilarious that you all (whacksonville) are offended that Tom edited this flyer. What were you expecting?

Your website has leeched so much from jaxscene, often times just for the use of ridiculing others.. and you are surprised when Tom actually has decided not to promote/represent your projects?


Tom was mad about something and he's taking action. A far cry from the many who are okay with just accepting the status quo.

And while you may find it inconsequential, to Tom it was an issue that could be changed. You see sometimes people do things not for themselves or for some name immortality, but because they actually believe the place they live could be a little better. And sure we do projects and things fail, its all a part of finding what works and.. well doing something a little bit different.

And you know maybe there needs to be some room for detractors, but to what extent? Don't you think there's a line that you've crossed, that you've let your commenters cross?

Back the f up see more homie

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