Saturday, February 15, 2025

Friday, January 25, 2008


I don't know if anyone has ever been to The Pearl on Friday and noticed that instead of there being a dj there was a vj. I know, what's a vj? A vj is like a dj but they spin dvds instead of records. The cool thing about a vj is you not only get to listen to your favorite songs, you can also watch the video that was made by the artist for that song. Instead of just hearing "Thriller" you can actually dance on cue while watching Micheal Jackson. If you haven't check it out you should. Jaren is spinning tonight at The Pearl. You're probably thinking "I don't want to dance to old MTV stuff." Well there is good news, people make new videos everyday and a lot of times it's for the same music you would hear out on your regular favorite club night. Jaren also does video mash-ups. For those who never heard of a mash-up it's when you take two songs and mix them to make one song. Here is one song Jaren did a mash-up for. Jaren just did the video to this song, the audio was mixed by Tristan Shout. This video has been watched on youtube 204,772 times.

For more info and constant update on the new videos Jaren is putting in his set list check out his website here.


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