Sunday, March 16, 2008


Mel works at The Pearl. She would love to greet you and take your entry fee.

Would you date someone who wore flip flops 90% of the time? Well... I do... so that's something in common.

Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Nope, extracted (with a very enjoyable gas experience) last year.

Who do you think killed JFK? Well, I wasn't even thought of... so... it's in the past.

Can you name Debbie Gibson's perfume? Hakuna Matata. No...and well...she should have just stuck with music. But, I am sure it's delightful.

What can you do better - jumprope or hula hoop? Well, considering neither have been attempted in years...i remember being skilled in double dutch.

How often do you wash your sheets? Um... if the pillow smells at all like this bar? The next day... so- weekly.

Who killed Laura Palmer? Papa...

Do you like mayonnaise? That would be a no. Apparently, according to people in the south that is sacrilege. If you are Canadian all i have to say is, eh?

What actor could best portray you in a movie about your life? How about them gators?

Would you rather wash dishes (by hand), do laundry or clean the bathroom? Laundry, hands down. Headphone time and the smell of Tide... what more could you want!


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