Monday, February 03, 2025

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things To Do Saturday 1/31

For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

click link to see more info. If I left anything out please comment.

Friday, January 30, 2009

CoyoteThroat, His Name Is Iron, Young Livers, Onslaught Dynamo @ Shantytown 1/29/09


Click image to see set. Photos by tom p.

Things to do Friday 1/30

For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

Click links to see more info. If I left anything out please comment.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bella Luna @ MOSH Valentine's Day


From the MOSH events page:

Bella Luna: Dessert Under the Stars- The stars will be in your eyes this Valentines Day at MOSH’s second annual “Bella Luna: Dessert Under the Stars” event from 7-10 p.m. View the constellation Orion, planets Venus and Saturn, and a whole galaxy of stars through MOSH’s twenty-inch lens telescope. Star-gaze to your heart’s content while enjoying chocolate, strawberries, and other delectable sweets. MOSH’s rooftop view of the downtown skyline provides the perfect backdrop for an evening of romance. More details:

  • Romantic evening with a rooftop view of the downtown skyline
  • Chocolate fondue, strawberries, & other desserts
  • Coffee, sparkling cider, soda, and a complimentary glass of wine
  • Live Star shows in the Planetarium Theater from 7-8:30pm
  • Cosmic Concert Laser Show featuring the Beatles from 9-10pm
  • Preview MOSH’s Newest Exhibit “The Body Within”
  • Sultry Science Demonstrations
  • Cuddly Creature Encounters
  • Roof-top access to MOSH’s twenty-inch lens telescope
  • Sweetheart’s Scavenger Hunt inside the museum
  • Full access to all museum exhibits (child-free!)

  • Reservations and pre-payment required. Cost is $35 per couple. MOSH Members receive a $10 discount. Call 396-7062 ext 230 to make reservations or for more information. Please note: the last day to cancel and receive a refund is February 6th.

    David Sedaris @ the Florida Theater 4/17/09 8pm

    Tickets go on sale this Friday. From the Florida Theatre's site:

    David Sedaris, author of the bestsellers Naked, Me Talk Pretty One Day and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim and National Public Radio contributor will be appearing for one night only at the Florida Theatre! Following the much anticipated release of his brand new collection entitled When You Are Engulfed in Flames; David will visit Jacksonville for an evening of engaging recollections and readings.

    I saw David Sedaris last time he was in town, and I highly recommend this show if you are a fan. And if you are not a fan, then you should be. Immediately.

    Upcoming Events


    Community Connections 2nd Annual Mardi Gras
    1.30.09 | 7-9pm | Ritz Theatre & LaVilla Museum

    $35/person (includes one drink ticket) | Call 904.350.9949 for group pricing

    Heavy hors d'oeuvres by Biscotti's | Cash bar
    Music & dancing | Silent auction | Raffle drawings
    Prizes for best costume | King and Queen of Mardi Gras
    The museum will be open for tours

    More info

    Drawdown: The MOCA Drawing Marathon Returns
    Friday, February 6 – Saturday, February 7,
    in the 5th Floor art studios of the MOCA Education Center;
    Reception Sunday, February 8
    $25 Advance Registration required
    This all-night event, from 11pm to 7am or eight consecutive hours, is an opportunity for local artists to apply devoted time and imagination to produce drawings for display.

    Things to do Thursday 1/29

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click links to see more info.
    if you have an event feel free to comment.

    Wednesday, January 28, 2009

    Happy B-day Big Dunn

    This happen last night.
    Big Dunn B-day

    Things to do Wednesday 1/28/09

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    click link to see more info
    if i missed something feel free to comment.

    Tuesday, January 27, 2009

    The Jax Heart Attacks will be your Carhops this Saturday

    P.S. They won their last game 223 - 81! Great job ladies!!!

    Hip Hop Hell Winter Freestyle Massacre

    First (and most recently), there is this Myspace bulletin from Ian Ranne:

    I need to hear from you RIGHT​ NOW.​.​.​.​.​
    I got 12 out of 16 conte​stant​s now.
    Spots​ are filli​ng fast.​
    If you want in, I need to know right​ now!
    DEADL​INE to apply​ is This Sunda​y,​ Febua​ry 1st.

    If you sleep​,​ you lose out.
    Holle​r here,​ or tricl​opsi@​hotma​il.​com

    And a slightly older but informative post from Ian:

    Waddu​p yall,​

    Its Ian -​Tricl​ops,​ from HIP HOP HELL - Shant​ytown​ Pub, here to drop some quick​ info on some thing​s comin​g up.​.​.​

    Its been a good start​ of the year for HIP HOP HELL.​ We signe​d up for anoth​er year at our recor​d store​/​offic​e in Sprin​gfiel​d.​ Willi​e Evans​ Jr. and Tough​ Junki​e opene​d up for Wutan​g Clan at Plush​ the other​ week,​ and absol​utely​ slaye​d it. The N Word broug​ht a packe​d house​ full of Arlin​gton/​Jax Beach​ Hip Hop Heads​ out to the urban​ core for a great​ party​ at Shant​ytown​ Pub last weeke​d.​ Willi​e Evans​ is going​ on tour with Mr. Lif this sprin​g,​ Tough​ Junki​e is putti​ng toget​her a CD with Coalm​ine Recor​ds out of Ohio,​ and The N Word "​Great​est Hits"​ is comin​g in March​ showc​asing​ the best track​s of their​ exten​sive stell​er catal​og.​ Thing​s is looki​ng good getti​ng bette​r now.​.​.​.​

    But befor​e all that.​.​.​.​.​ drumr​oll pleas​e.​.​.​.​ the reaso​n for this commu​nicat​ion is to let yall know about​ the big frees​tyle battl​e comin​g next month​ @ T.​S.​I.​

    HIP HOP HELLS​ Frees​tyle Massa​cre is usual​ly our best hyped​ and busie​st produ​ction​ of the year.​ In the past it has been held @ Thee Imper​ial (​R.​I.​P)​ and Fuel in 5 point​s.​ This winte​r we are bring​ing it back downt​own for its first​ run at T.​S.​I.​ on Bay St.

    What the massa​cre is- a 16man​,​ head to head frees​tyle rap battl​e.​ Just like the ones on TV, or 8 mile,​ but way reale​r and crunk​er.​ MCs impro​vise and make lyric​s off the top of their​ heads​ to eithe​r make fun of the other​ dude or go strai​t for his throa​t.​ It gets bruta​l.​ We are 6 years​ deep in this battl​e,​ some heads​ go every​ year.​ Some of these​ dudes​ know each other​.​Somet​imes it is their​ first​ time meeti​ng.​ Eithe​r way, they go at it in 2 round​s and leave​ it to the 3 estee​med judge​s to sort out. Great​ enter​tainm​ent.​.​.​.​ the pro wrest​leing​ of Hip Hop!​!​!​ Hoste​d by 2 drunk​en assho​les (​mysel​f and my man Cynic​al Mind)​ with clear​ heade​d refer​ee Tough​ Junki​e makin​g sure every​thing​ stays​ fair and balan​ced.​ It gets wild and there​ is contr​avers​y every​ year,​ but one thing​ is for sure-​ we have a good ass time with it!​!​!​

    We have a 2 time champ​ (​Just Will)​ and a 3-​peat (​Strif​e)​ in our histo​ry so far. Neith​er dude has commi​ted as of now for this year,​ but both are consi​derin​g.​ Its gonna​ get real inter​estin​g.​.​.​.​.​

    Confi​rmed conte​stant​s so far-
    1. Young​ Zurc-​ reppi​ng Brand​ Nu produ​ction​s,​ one of the new gener​ation​ of "​down south​"​ style​ rappe​rs enter​ing the battl​e arena​
    2. Kid Logic​-​ reppi​ng Arlin​gton.​ Recom​mende​d by DARYL​ from the N Word.​ This kids like 19, rocks​ a fro hawk and lip pierc​eings​.​
    3. Top Dolla​-​ anoth​e young​ cat, but this ones a beast​.​ Works​ with Grand​ Champ​,​with a rumor​ed co-​sign from There​py from The ABs
    4. Kenbo​ Duece​-​ not much is known​ about​ this dude yet. Dope name!​ Recom​mende​d by Josh @ Ninja​ Life cloth​ing
    5. Unort​hadox​ Phras​es-​ Orlan​do,​ stand​ up! This cat is up on the Grind​ Time video​ circu​t and did very well last year @ the Massa​cre.​ Full of energ​y
    and very quick​ and witty​-​ watch​ out for those​ Ozone​ dudes​,​ they do it for real!​
    6. Czar Black​-​ aka Nomad​ic.​ A Jacks​onvil​le legen​d.​ Nuf said.​ Misse​d out last year,​ claim​s this year hes "​going​ for throa​ts"​ (​quote​)​
    7. Sinsa​y-​ a small​ white​ dude from Mandr​in with glass​es that strai​t embar​esses​ dudes​ every​ year.​ Sin is fast-​ real fast.​ Went to the semi final​s last year.​
    8. The Scape​goat-​ reppi​ng Gaine​svill​e,​ Scum of the Earth​ crew.​ This dude does rap shows​ in Regan​ Youth​ and Minor​ Threa​t T shirt​s.​ I have never​ heard​ his frees​tyle,​ but if they are as agres​sive as his writt​en work-​ cats bette​r look out twice​.​
    9. Veeza​ Vee- littl​e is known​ about​ this dude excep​t he runs with the IG Camp,​ with North​star and Blakh​art.​ Wests​ide in the place​,​ I assum​e.​
    10. JK- reppi​ng the massi​ve local​ click​ The Famil​y.​ A young​ dude,​ known​ to alway​s be rocki​ng fresh​ fashi​ons and a quick​ toung​eand vicou​s free.​

    As you can see, its a very diver​se pool of rappe​rs.​Appli​catio​ns are still​ being​ taked​ for the other​ 6 slots​.​ Some are fille​d just not confi​rmed.​ Of cours​e we are waiti​ng to see what our champ​s (​Just Will and Strif​e)​ wanna​ do. Last 6 will be annou​nced via email​ and myspa​ce on Febua​ry 1st.

    So thats​ it, prett​y much letti​ng yall know whats​ up. I think​ there​ is a good story​ behin​d it if you write​ or do blogg​y thing​ys.​ Lots of histo​ry.​
    It is the ONLY thing​ of its type that happe​ns in Jacks​onvil​le,​ Fl. right​ now, fo sho. And its hella​ fun!​!​!​

    Lemme​ know if you need more info,​ or if you or anyon​e you know may wanna​ spons​or/​adver​tise/​contr​ibute​.​ We got it for cheap​ round​ here-​ be visab​le to the entir​e Duval​ Hip Hop marke​t.​ Yall know the drill​.​ Feel free to forwa​rd this to any inter​ested​ parti​es,​ or just sende​m my way.

    Cheer​s yall,​

    Ian Ranne​

    Now here is the flyer:

    Movies in the Park @ Treaty Oak - You Vote!

    For this year's Jaxparks Movies in the Park, YOU are being asked to vote for the movies that will be shown in April & May at Treaty Oak at Jessie Ball Dupont Park. Pick four of the below listed movies and email the titles to

    • 101 Dalmatians (G)
    • 16 Candles (PG)
    • Aladdin (G)
    • Back to the Future (PG)
    • Beetle Juice (PG)
    • Caddy Shack II (PG)
    • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Johnny Depp – PG)
    • Dead Poet Society (PG)
    • ET (PG
    • Finding Nemo (G)
    • Gremlins (PG)
    • Harriet the Spy (PG)
    • Harry Potter (PG)
    • Hoosiers (PG)
    • Indiana Jones Temple of Doom (PG)
    • Karate Kid (PG)
    • Mary Poppins (G)
    • National Treasure (PG)
    • Radio (PG)
    • Ratatouille (G)
    • Remember the Titans ((PG)
    • The Goonies (PG)
    • Toy Story (G)
    • Wall E (G)
    • We are Marshall (PG)

    Thanks to Jacksonville Confidential for the info.
    Pictures from last year's movies can be found here (Madagascar), here (The Goonies), and here (Hook).

    Things To Do Tuesday 1/27

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    click link to see more info
    if i missed something feel free to comment.

    Bud Light Bar Brawl 1/25/09


    Click image to see set. Photos by Mandi Outlaw

    Monday, January 26, 2009



    Baun is a professional model featured in local photo publications and numerous websites. She's always ready to take life to the next level of experiences and a has certain drive for business.

    How did your holiday celebrations go?
    Baun: Great. Had a very small get together with some friends from out of town. HOWEVER was very sad my best best best friend, Amy, couldn't be there. I had a nice bonfire and drinks. Along with drunken, naked rock band playing. I had a blast.

    Did get at least one thing you wanted?
    Baun: I did. I got enough donations combined with the money I got for Christmas to replace the bike that was stolen from me. My bike and I... we are like this ::Twists middle and forefinger together:::

    In a battle royal between Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and a leprechaun, who would win?
    Baun: The Leprechaun of COURSE... he has magical powers... AND lucky charms :D

    How do you place the toilet paper?
    Baun: Place the toilet paper? You mean wipe front to back? or... do I crumble or roll? It depends on the situation at hand. More then likely I crumble it together, less likely to leak through.

    Think of the next big device for computers.
    Baun: China already has it... its a phone/ credit card/ drivers license/ camera/ computer all in one handy, credit card sized device. SCARY! Is it the coming of the anti-christ!?

    Is there a liquor you can not drink?
    Baun: Not a big fan of whiskey. I can drink it but not a fan of it. Ooooh.. Moonshine is some FIERCE sh*t :D

    What is something you'd expect to see in your ideal music video.
    Baun: I'm a BIG fan of porn...

    What hopes do you have for 2009?
    Baun: To sell everything I own and move somewhere that is nice and cheap with my animals. I'm ready to be out of where I am and moving on to the next grand adventure, turning the page.

    You just invented a new color, what is it called and what does it look like?
    Baun: Blurple... and its a nice bluey shade of purple with red sparkles... cause who DOESN'T like sparkles!!??

    JaxScene, the blog this interview will be posted at, features many things about the local scene while attempting to build bridges in the community. What more can you tell us about yourself?
    Baun: I'm a professional model and Domina. I am GREAT at social gatherings and have a ton of sales experience. Baundage. com is my site and I'm always open for scheduling new things. I appear on Bubba The Love Sponge about once a month and can pimp out your business, site, etc with the snap of a finger.

    Interview by David. All interviews are random questions in the areas of bizarre, funny, serious, or abstract. Interviewees are randomly selected, usually out around town. If you want to be interviewed hit me up when you see me.
    Click HERE to read past interviews.

    Things to do: Family Edition

    Click on the links for more info:

    Main Library: Children's Department
    Learn Spanish w/ Ms. Jamie January 28 @ 11:00am. Kids ages 0-8, but geared towards preschoolers.
    Homework Help January 28&29 @ 4:00pm.
    Family Art Time January 30 @ 11:45am. All ages. Limit of 20 toddlers plus caregivers. Sign up that day.
    Saturday Surprise: Bike safety & repair w/ volunteers from Zombie Bikes. Kids 6-12. January 31 @ 2pm (pre-registration required, I'm not sure if there are still openings) See the flyer here.
    ***For more Children's department events at the Main Library, please check out the January calendar (with detailed info here)
    Main Library: Teen Department
    SAT Prep Class. January 31 @ 1:00pm. Registration required. Geared towards teens 15-18 & their parents.
    ***More teen programs can be found here.

    "OLD IRONSIDES" ACROSS THE NATION @ MOSH. January 31 9:00am - 5:00 pm, & February 1, 1:00pm - 6:00pm. Free public presentation, hands on exhibits & demonstrations. More events at MOSH can be found here.

    MAGNET DISTRICT WIDE OPEN HOUSE @ ALL MAGNET SCHOOLS Three one hour sessions on January 28, 9:00am, 11:00 am & 1:00 pm. No appointments necessary. Find more info at the link.

    VOLUNTARY PRE-K REGISTRATION @ THE MAIN LIBRARY, FLETCHER HIGHSCHOOL & ED WHITE HIGHSCHOOL January 31, 10:00am - 2:00pm. More information at the link.

    BIRDING FOR BEGINNERS @ TILLIE K. FOWLER REGIONAL PARK 7000 Roosevelt Boulevard. January 31 @ 8:30am - 11:00am.

    DAY TIME FUNDRAISER @ CATTY SHACK RANCH Tour the wildlife sanctuary. January 31, 1pm - 6pm. $10 ages 7+, $5 ages 3-6, free for ages 2 & under.
    FAMILY SATURDAYS AT TREE HILL NATURE CENTER January 31 @ 10:00am. $5 per family.

    OWL PROWL UNDER THE STARS AT JACKSONVILLE ARBORETUM & GARDENS March 7 @ 7:00pm. Register now, spaces have filled up quick for the past two walks.

    KIDS PUZZLE @ NATIVE SUN Complete the puzzle and bring it in to your local Native Sun for a free prize. Kids ages 12 and under, through January 31.

    Sunday, 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m.
    Children and accompanying adults are free.

    More great kids and family events can be found at and Experience Jax.
    Please comment if I missed anything.
    Posted by Jenny K

    Things To Do Monday 1/26


    click link to see more info
    if i missed something feel free to comment.

    Sunday, January 25, 2009

    House Show - 1/23/09

    Click the images for the full set. Photos by Jack Diablo.

    Read all about the show here.

    Things To Do Sunday 1/25

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click link to see more info
    If you have an event feel free to comment.

    Saturday, January 24, 2009

    Things To Do Saturday 1/24

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    click link to see more info. If I left anything out please comment.

    Friday, January 23, 2009

    Mayport & the cruise ship issue featured on NPR

    "Jacksonville Ignites Port Conflict
    Day to Day, January 23, 2009 · Jacksonville wants in on the booming cruise ship business. The city has plans to build a new port near the historic Mayport settlement. Mayport is the location of one of the nation's oldest settlements, founded by French Huguenots. Area residents and fishermen have mounted opposition to the port, and Jacksonville's city council is scheduled to make its decision about it soon."

    The audio is scheduled to be up for this story here at 3pm.

    Thinking of Changes, Take a Poll.


    When do you think the "things to do" should be posted
    That day, I like the way it is now.
    A day in advance.
    Two days in advance.

    What do you think of a "save the date" post?
    It is dumb, I do not want to see it.
    Sort of like the idea.
    You have to, my life would be so much better.

    Inauguration Celebration 1/20/09 @ The Pearl


    Click image to see set. Photos by tom p.

    Things to do Friday 1/23

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click links to see more info. If I left anything out please comment.

    Thursday, January 22, 2009

    IamHappenstance: Marty's Party House @ Club TSI 1-15-09


    Click image to see set. Photos by Liam

    IamHappenstance: Are Friends Electric @ Square One 01-14-09


    Click image to see set. Photos by Liam

    Pearl 1/16/2009 Friday night


    Click image to see set. Photos by Amir.

    Urban Jacksonville Weekly

    If you haven't already heard about this, it's "a weekly radio show that discusses urban issues, art, development, blogs, media, etc in Jacksonville Florida." Hosted by Joey Marchy, and co-hosts Jonathan Bennett, and Tony Allegretti.

    So, listen! Here!
    Psst...Jaxscene gets a nice shout out at the end of the show. Thanks again, Tony.

    Things to do Thursday 1/22

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click links to see more info.
    if you have an event feel free to comment.

    Wednesday, January 21, 2009

    The Women's Ride II

    Look at all of those happy gals! (and a few happy guys). More pictures by Cherri found here.


    Ocean Club in Jax Beach. More info here.

    HELLO DANGER ~ 12:30AM-1AM
    SUNBEARS! ~ 11:30pm-12AM
    JUICY PONY ~ 10:30PM-11PM
    RICHARD LOVE ~ 9:30PM-10PM
    WUDUN ~ 8:30PM-9PM

    DJ MARCO ~ 10PM-2AM
    SQUARED ~ 8:15PM-9:45PM

    JOHN EARLE ~ 8:15PM-9:45PM




    Cherri is a volunteer at the Zombie Bikes Co-Op at the BBB Warehouse. She updates their blog and is a good bike polo player.

    Have you ever sang in public?
    Yes, and [was] laughed at mercilessly.

    When is the last time you went to church?
    Christmas before last.

    Have you ever eaten a crayon?
    Only the flavored ones.

    If you can be the greatest person at something what would it be?
    Building boats, I always wanted to be a carpenter.

    Would you ever consider buying a three legged dog? What if it was 10% off?
    Maybe if she chose me.

    Have you ever been to the farmers market?
    Every week! Four blocks of tofu= $1.50

    Do you believe in magic?
    Only magicians.

    When is the last time you did laundry?
    Two.....three weeks ago?

    What is your family like?
    Amazing, my parents are my heroes.

    If someone had the ability to tell you the date of your death would you want to know?
    No, I worry too much.

    Interviewed by tom p. Click for past interviews.

    Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    Los Campesinos! with Titus Andronicus @ Jack Rabbits 1/19/09

    From last night's rock and roll concert...


    Click on the image for the full set.

    Photos by Jack Diablo.

    Laundromat Show 1/17/09

    On Sunday night, a few local experimental bands got together and threw a show at the laundromat on Park and King. Chaos ensued. Here's the pics...

    Click the image for the full set.

    Read all about it here.

    Photos by Jack Diablo

    Attention Local Bands

    According to UJ, 2009 will be a year of resurgence in local band activity. I surely hope so.

    That being said, if you have a local band and are in need of a place to exhibit your musical talent, 331 is looking for bands to book on Friday nights.

    Susan posted a discussion on the JaxScene Network so if you are up to the task, head over and let her know. There is a nice little surprise waiting for you there if you check it out. It involves Zombies (my favorite)!

    Posted by Jack Diablo

    Obama Inauguration Party At The Pearl

    I got a phone call yesterday, I know it is from from my employer The Pearl.(just as a DJ) It basically went like this:

    Tom, hey I talked to Justin today and we are excited about the inauguration tomorrow. We want to have a party, we know the economy is not doing so well and we want to get in the spirit and celebrate the change. We are thinking of decorating, maybe showing some video and having all drinks $1 all night and having you DJ. What do you think?

    So I made a flyer and I decided to add what I had to offer. I was working on a poster for the show at Ocean Club this weekend that I'll be giving away. I decided to not do it, but now I am. I also have a few Obama stickers I bought a while back that I want to give out. I also want to display one of the famous signed Shepard Fairey Obama Hope Poster that had such a big impact on the election for people to see in person. I also bought three limited edition Obama Hope action figures and I want to give one to someone lucky. If you're excited about Obama being in office like I am stop by. The first 50 people get to decide if they want a poster or a sticker, first come first decide. There is also Obama theme parties at The Ivy and Eclipse.

    In other Obama news I didn't want to show these earlier but since he's basically President now this is stuff I worked on for the campaign.

    Jaxscene DIY: Screenprinting The Obama Early Vote Poster
    Early Vote Street Poster
    Making the "Hope" Poster With Spray Paint Stencils
    Barack Obama Change We Need Rally @ Metropolitan Park 9/20/08
    Obama Rally Nov 3, 2008 @ The Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
    2008 Presidential Election Party @ San Marco Theatre
    10-20-VOTE Flyer
    Early Vote sticker poster

    So you get it, I'm excited. But, I have to make a set of posters in the next 12 hours.

    Things To Do Tuesday 1/20

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    click link to see more info
    if i missed something feel free to comment.

    Monday, January 19, 2009

    Maybe Zines Are Back

    This past Art Walk I was presented two zines one was free the other cost me a dollar. Which is fine cause I have put out a fair share of zines in the past and I know they cost money. I feel it's worth it to be able expressing your opinions plus it feels good to make something.

    These are the two I got this one has no name: It's a collection of artistic images with written words.

    Click for sample page

    This one I believe is called "Quest" and is a collection of collages.

    click for sample page

    More info:
    How to make a zine
    Make-A-Zine with Aaron Rose Video

    Local zines:
    Alley-Oop now BusStop
    Section 8
    The Hum (early version of JaxScene)
    Super Fight Fight

    JaxZine Issue 1

    If I missed anybody feel free to post

    Things to do: Family Edition

    Click on the links for more info:

    JACKSONVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Closed Monday, January 19 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
    Main Library: Children's Department
    Magic Tree House Book Club January 21 @ 3:30pm. Kids ages 6-12. This month's book is Mummies in the Morning.
    Toddler Time January 23 @ 10:00am. Storytime for kids 18 months - 3 years.
    Toddler Art January 23 @ 10:30am. Kids 18 months - 3 yrs. Limit of 10 toddlers plus caregivers. Sign up that day.
    Saturday Surprise: Chinese New Year Celebration. Kids 6-12. January 24 @ 2pm
    ***For more Children's department events at the Main Library, please check out the January calendar (with detailed info here)
    Main Library: Teen Department
    Movie Madness!!!The American President January 21 @ 3pm
    Gaming Night. Every Monday, 5:30 - 7:30pm
    ***More teen programs can be found here.

    MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY AT MOSH. January 19, 10am-12noon. Games, crafts and activities. Free with paid museum admission. More info at the link.

    MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY AT KIDS KAMPUS January 19, 10am - 2pm. Entertainment, crafts, games & the sidewalk of dreams. Admission is free.

    SNAKE SNAVVY @ TILLIE K. FOWLER REGIONAL PARK 7000 Roosevelt Boulevard. January 20 @ 1:30pm.

    OWL ENCOUNTER @ TILLIE K. FOWLER REGIONAL PARK 7000 Roosevelt Boulevard. January 21 @ 2:30pm.

    RINGLING BROTHERS & BARNUM & BAILEY CIRCUS @ VETERANS MEMORIAL ARENA January 22 - January 25. Save $4 on admission by mentioning the promotion code J4K when purchasing your tickets. (Courtesy of

    MOVIES IN THE PARK AT BLUE CYPRESS 4012 University Boulevard. January 23 @ 6pm.

    ANIMAL DETECTIVE @ TILLIE K. FOWLER REGIONAL PARK 7000 Roosevelt Boulevard. January 24 @ 2pm.

    SATURDAY BRUNCH @ NATIVE SUN BAYMEADOWS January 24, 8am - 1pm. $6.99/lb, all organic ingredients.

    KIDS PUZZLE @ NATIVE SUN Complete the puzzle and bring it in to your local Native Sun for a free prize. Kids ages 12 and under, through January 31.

    Sunday, 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m.
    Children and accompanying adults are free.

    More great kids and family events can be found at and Experience Jax.
    Please comment if I missed anything.
    Posted by Jenny K

    Things To Do Monday 1/19


    click link to see more info
    if i missed something feel free to comment.

    Sunday, January 18, 2009

    Midnight Mass 4th Anniversary Pre-Party @ Shantytown 1/15/09

    Click on image for full set. Photos by Jack Diablo.

    Gaza Protest in 5 Points 1/10/09

    Shame on me for waiting this long to post these pics, but here's the lot.

    Click on image for full set.

    While I most certainly will not weigh in on my stance on this issue, I will comment on the protest itself. All in all, it was a well-organized, diverse, and peaceful protest. That being said, I got the impression that some of the children there were beinf exploited for the purposes of the protest. You can tell when someone has no idea why they are doing something other than it's what everyone else is doing or because you were told to do so and that's the vibe I got off most of the younger kids. Some of the older kids almost looked like they were having too much fun as opposed to really taking a stand, but kids will be kids I guess.


    There was a little excitement when one leathered-out redneck on his bicycle started causing trouble. He was asked politely to leave by what appeared to be a 5P merchant or some other spectator not affiliated with the protest. He left but came back soon later and the cops got involved. He wasn't too happy about the whole deal. Look, here he is calling me a faggot when I took his picture!


    In the end he got what was coming to him and while he had just as much a right to express his opinion as the protesters did, he did appear to be a threat to the peaceful nature of the assembly.


    Posted by Jack Diablo

    South Bank At Sunrise 1/18/09

    I didn't make it to the South Bank at Sunrise this morning I tried but woke up at 7:55am. Pictures from the event can be found on the Southbanksunrise Tumblelog.

    Photos by Biggie Tea

    Things To Do Sunday 1/18

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click link to see more info
    If you have an event feel free to comment.

    Saturday, January 17, 2009

    Chris Crites Shirt To Raise Money

    Of course by now some of you are aware of Globatron's Brain tumor and medical bills, bag painter artist Chris Crites has designed a shirt for Globatron to help raise money. More Info here. Visit the store of donated artwork by artist for the cause here.

    Community Connection 2nd Annual Mardi Gras

    This last year Community Connections helped over 300 homeless families in the Jacksonville area, and provided an opportunity for 3800 children to spread their wings through their after school and summer camp programs. This event offers an opportunity to show support for a great non-profit while having fun!

    Community Connections 2nd Annual Mardi Gras
    1.30.09 | 7-9pm | Ritz Theatre & LaVilla Museum

    $35/person (includes one drink ticket) | Call 904.350.9949 for group pricing

    Heavy hors d'oeuvres by Biscotti's | Cash bar
    Music & dancing | Silent auction | Raffle drawings
    Prizes for best costume | King and Queen of Mardi Gras
    The museum will be open for tours

    More info

    Things To Do Saturday 1/17

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    click link to see more info. If I left anything out please comment.

    Friday, January 16, 2009

    Things to do: Family MLK Day Special Edition

    A little post for Monday's holiday.

    MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY AT MOSH. All activities will be ongoing from 10am-12pm except the Bingo game which will begin at 11:30. Free with paid museum admission. Activities include:
    * Unity bracelets- this activity is designed to encourage kids to appreciate all the beautiful colors of the world
    * “Let Freedom Ring” Bell Craft
    * “I Have a Dream” Mobile
    * Black & White Collages
    * MLK Jr. Timeline- Kids can draw and color various important events in MLK Jr.’s life to add to our timeline
    * Educational Videos about Martin Luther King, Jr
    * Bingo!- Test your knowledge of some well known African-Americans as we play a fun and educational version of bingo

    MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY AT KIDS KAMPUS 10am - 2pm. Entertainment, crafts, games & the sidewalk of dreams. Admission is free.

    Please comment if you know of any additional family events on Monday.

    Things to do Friday 1/16/09

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click links to see more info. If I left anything out please comment.

    Thursday, January 15, 2009



    This looks like fun...

    IamHappenstance: Intermission w/ Reggie & Kevin @ Club TSI 1-10-09


    Click image to see set. Photos by Liam

    IamHappenstance: Are Friends Electric Art Walk After Party @ Square One 1-07-09


    Click image to see set. Photos by Liam

    IamHappenstance: Art Walk 1-07-09


    Click image to see set. Photos by Liam

    Midnight Mass 4 Year Anniversary 1/14


    More info here.

    Things to do Thursday 1/15/09

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click links to see more info.
    if you have an event feel free to comment.

    Wednesday, January 14, 2009

    Greater Jacksonville Derby Game 1/24/09


    For more info, visit the ladies' site here.

    Local band Cpt EO has new song

    They are also playing TSI Friday 13th

    Cpt EO myspace
    Brendon Clark: Sequencing, Synth, Guitar, Vocals
    Chase Capo: Synth, Guitar, Sampler, Vocals

    Things to do Wednesday 1/14/09

    For kid friendly events, see this week's Family Edition post.

    click link to see more info
    if i missed something feel free to comment.

    Tuesday, January 13, 2009

    South Bank At Sunrise 1/11/09

    For all the towners that don't want to drive all the way to the beach see the sunrise you can now drive half the way to the South Bank and join fellow Jacksonvillians for jazz, all the current newspapers, a cup of coffee, and a historian. I believe the point of this is to get your early day started out right by watching the sunrise. It's put on by Heartland Hospice so I believe it's for health. I went to the first one this week I must say it is strange being up that early. The sunrise was nice even though you have to go either on the main street bridge or a little further down the boardwalk to see it, probably the fifth one I seen my whole life. It does makes for a long productive day, if you don't go home and go back to bed. I stayed up and by noon it felt like 5pm. My recommendations would be bring a camera and take pictures, ride a bike there, go for a jog afterwards, or read a book and enjoy the river. It happens every Sunday.

    Click image to see set. Photos by tom p. a few by Jenny K.

    View more pictures from

    More info.

    Wu Tang Clan at Plush 1/14/08


    Things To Do Tuesday 1/13


    click link to see more info
    if i missed something feel free to comment.

    Zombie Bike Stuff


    Monday, January 12, 2009

    The Full Moon Owl Prowl at The Jacksonville Arboretum 1/10/09

    Saturday night The Jacksonville Arboretum had a Full Moon Owl Prowl. It was basically a mile walk through the the trails of the Arboretum at night. The event was a RSPV event that reached capacity early in the week. There was about 70 people, we broke up in 3 groups and were lead through the woods in the dark by an Arboretum tour guide. The moon was abnormally full, the crickets were out, we didn't see any large animals. the whole experience was different and delightful. I do wish since we didn't see any animals or owls we could have taken the trip with our flash lights on and able to speak so we could have asked questions and hear the guide. But hey, it was a owl prowl, not a night walk. All the pictures were taken without a flash only moon lit, except a few. For more info check The Jacksonville Arboretum.

    Click image to see set. Photos by tom p.

    Art Walk Jan 09


    Click image to see set. Photos by tom p. and Sarah g.

    Art Walk January '09 - Amir's Photos

    Your going to see a flood of Art Walk Pictures today. I don't Know if Amir forgot to post his or he wants me to. He went to Art Walk, Square One, and The Pearl. Anyways here they are. Later today expect Tom/ Sarah G's Art Walk Pictures and video and The Full Moon Owl Prowl at The Jacksonville Arboretum and the Sunrise On The South Bank Pictures.

    Click image to see set. Photos by Amir

    Things to do: Family Edition

    Click on the links for more info:

    Main Library: Children's Department
    Learn Spanish with Ms. Jamie January 14 @ 11am. Kids ages 0-8, geared towards preschoolers.
    Toddler Power Hour January 15 @ 10:30am. Kids ages 18 months - 3 years.
    Saturday Surprise: Art Time - metal embossing. Kids ages 6-12. January 17 @ 2pm
    ***For more Children's department events at the Main Library, please check out the January calendar (with detailed info here)
    Main Library: Teen Department
    Home school day. Find out what the library has to offer for home schooled kids, ages 12-18. January 13, 10 am - 12 noon.
    Movie Madness!!!Remember the Titans January 16 @ 3pm
    ***More teen programs can be found here.

    SEED ART @ TILLIE K. FOWLER REGIONAL PARK 7000 Roosevelt Boulevard. January 13 @ 2pm, and January 15 @ 10am.

    SATURDAY BRUNCH @ NATIVE SUN BAYMEADOWS January 17, 8am - 1pm. $6.99/lb, all organic ingredients.

    TALBOT CRITTERS @ LITTLE TALBOT ISLAND STATE PARK January 17 @ 11am, pavillion one. Event is free with regular park admission.

    SKETCH WITH CUBIST PAINTER ALEXANDRA NECHITA @ R. ROBERTS GALLERY January 17 @ 12 noon. Ages 2-12. Crayons and sketch pads will be provided.

    DAY TIME FUNDRAISER @ CATTY SHACK RANCH Tour the wildlife sanctuary. January 17, 1pm - 6pm. $10 ages 7+, $5 ages 3-6, free for ages 2 & under.

    CSX TRAIN DAYS @ JACKSONVILLE ZOO & GARDENS January 17 & 18. $1 train rides all day, courtesy of CSX.

    KIDS PUZZLE @ NATIVE SUN Complete the puzzle and bring it in to your local Native Sun for a free prize. Kids ages 12 and under, through January 31.

    Sunday, 12:00 noon – 4:00 p.m.
    Children and accompanying adults are free.

    More great kids and family events can be found at and Experience Jax.
    Please comment if I missed anything.

    Posted by Jenny K

    Things To Do Monday 1/12


    click link to see more info
    if i missed something feel free to comment.

    Sunday, January 11, 2009

    Things To Do Sunday 1/11

    For kid friendly posts, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click link to see more info
    If you have an event feel free to comment.

    Saturday, January 10, 2009

    Art Walk January '09 - David's photos

    Here are some pix I took at this month's Art Walk. Forgive some of the blurs. I am looking to get my own camera. Until then I have just moments to figure out settings sometimes. Amir's larger photo set is next containing a lot more of the skateboard art show; I'M BOARD III.

    Click image to see set.

    Things To Do Saturday 1/10

    For kid friendly posts, see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click links to see more info. If I left anything out please comment.

    Friday, January 9, 2009

    Things to do Friday 1/9/09

    For kid friendly events, please see this week's Family Edition post.

    Click links to see more info. If I left anything out please comment.

    Thursday, January 8, 2009

    Something New: Armageddon Visuals

    I know the issue has been raised about how to provide a forward momentum to the Jacksonville art scene. After yesterday's Art Walk I think it might be inevitable. I had a blast, there was so much good talent, the skateboard show was impressive. I'm glad as a city we were able to put that together, it makes me happy to live in Jacksonville.

    Back to what I was getting at, for a while now I have been printing posters of my own and since moving print equipment into the BBB Warehouse I decided to put together a printshop. The idea is to start printing limited edition screen print posters with local artists and provide a way to make it seen worldwide and purchasable at an affordable price. I also want to start doing free wall murals for anyone who has the space with some of these artists like the ones I did at TSI, The Pearl, and The Pearl second wall. So if you have wall space inside or outside that you would like a mural on let us know.

    Today I put up a new poster by the artist Regret. It's a 19" x 25" limited edition to 100, screen print signed and numbered. For $25 shipped. It's our first print and can be purchased at In the future the edition will most likely be smaller depending on the image.

    Show This Saturday At Shantytown


    Upcoming Springfield events, starting tonight!


    Thanks to Tony for posting the flyer.

    The Jax blog for all Jax blogs


    Go to The Urban Core to learn more about it.
    Then scroll down a bit in that post and find out what's happening on the southbank Sunday at sunrise.
    Back the f up see more homie

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